Famous Gambling Quotes You Need to Know

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Since the minting of the first currency in the 7th century, mankind started gambling for money. With gambling having such an esteemed history, there has been a lot said on the subject. We have some interesting quotes, funny quotes, and even one or two inspirational quotes. So without further ado, here are some of the greatest gambling quotes of all time.

Gambling Quote #1

The only way to beat the odds is to be smart and disciplined.
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Professional poker player Stu Ungar is the man behind this famous gambling quote. A legend in the game, Stu believed combining the two was the best way to maximize your odds of winning.

Of course, the rationale behind this quote is to apply it to all aspects of life as a way to help you avoid making irrational decisions.

Gambling Quote #2

In gambling, the many must lose in order that the few may win.
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Straight and to the point, this famous quote was made by Irish playwright and critic George Bernard Shaw. While the origins of this quote and when published by Shaw were unknown, its significance remains relevant.

Can it be interpreted another way, not really. But, it does draw attention to the risks of gambling. In other words, if you’re going to gamble, do so responsibly.

Gambling Quote #3

You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.
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NHL hockey player and businessman Wayne Gretzky once said you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. While this quote wasn’t directed toward gambling, it has been recognized for its relevancy. Of course, the significance behind this quote is, you can’t win unless you place a bet.

What’s important about this philosophical quote is, it reminds us that we have to take action if he want to achieve our goals. Sometimes, it’s better to take a shot and miss, versus not taking a shot at all.

Gambling Quote #4

Quit while you’re ahead. All the best gamblers do.
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Quit while you’re ahead. All the best gamblers do, is one of the most famous gambling quotes of all time. Spoken by 17th-century philosopher Baltasar Gracián y Morales, his philosophy is you have to learn self-control to be a successful gambler.

The significance of this quote is about discipline and self-control. In other words, you can use self-control and discipline to avoid making impulsive decisions.

Gambling Quote #5

I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of decisions.
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This famous gambling quote puts a spotlight on our choices. When gambling, the outcome of an event is not based on circumstance, it’s based on our decisions and how we react to them.

Written by businessman, author, educator, and speaker Stephen Covey, its significance is we have the power to influence the outcome of an event. Fortunately, its interpretation is pretty straightforward, it is also a great life lesson.

Gambling Quote #6

The safest way to double your money is to fold it over once and put it in your pocket.
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American cartoonist, journalist, and humorist, Kin Hubbard had a reputation for making people laugh and the above quote is a perfect example. By playing with the literal meaning, Hubbard is essentially saying there are better ways to double your money than gambling.

Naturally, folding your money in half poses no risk, but it is a safe bet. There lies the significance of his quote. Can it be interpreted in another way, not really, but it is a great metaphore for life.

Gambling Quote #7

Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.
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Famous Roman philosopher Lucius Annaeus Seneca believed that luck is not an unpredictable random force. Instead, Seneca believes that luck is the result of being ready when opportunity presents itself.

The significance of Seneca’s quote is to be ready to take advantage of an opportunity when it’s available. Can it be interpreted in more ways than one, of course, it can. As the old adage says, luck happens!

Gambling Quote #8

A gambler never makes the same mistake twice. It’s usually three or more times.
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Terrence Murphy is a celebrated author who has written about gambling for years and his alter ego VP Pappy has been quoted in many gambling magazines. Known for observationally intelligent quotes, they tend to be based on his own experiences.

Of course, the above quote rings true for many of us. Let’s face it, we’ve all been there, and his quote is a good reminder that it doesn’t have to be that way. How is that significantly important, it reminds us never to make the same mistake more than once.

Gambling Quote #9

If there weren’t luck involved, I would win every time.
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Phil Helmuth is a famous poker player known for his temper and success on the World Poker Tour. A reputation as a “Poker Brat”, he believes that the game of poker is a mixture of luck and strategy. In other words, a less skilled player can still win against one who is strategically on top of their game.

Is there any significance to Helmuth’s quote outside of gambling, not really. But it does go to show you, with a bit of luck, you never know what will happen, and for the most part, that is what keeps us coming back for more, year after year.

Gambling Quote #10

Money won is twice as sweet as money earned.
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Money won is twice as sweet as money earned is a famous quote from the movie The Color of Money. Said by Paul Newman’s character Fast Eddie Felson, this quote is not just about money, it is about the thrill of winning.

More an urban legend than a philosophical quote, its significance is minimal. However, it rings true when you learn it was followed by “You gotta have two things to win. You gotta have brains and you gotta have balls.

Katerina Gadzheva, Betting Expert & Writer for SilentBet
Picture of Katerina Gadzheva
Gambling quotes are an interesting way to look at gambling, but if you want to succeed as a gambler, you can easily check out the latest gambling tips and tricks by Silentbet. They offer some insight on how to improve your odds of winning.
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    Author: Katerina Gadzheva
    Certified Betting Expert
    Katerina Gadzheva
    Katerina has 10+ years of experience in iGaming. She has been a player long before that. Using her skills as a content writer and first-hand knowledge of the online gambling industry, she reviews and compares online casinos for Silentbet.